How to Create and Edit Custom Fields in QuickBooks Online Advanced

Want details about how to create and edit custom fields in QuickBooks Online Advanced, then must read this article. Here you will find all details related to creating and editing custom fields; settings, add custom fields, text, number, dropdown, and learn to manage your custom fields in one place. Also learn how to create an invoice, sales receipt, purchase order, and complete tutorial about vendor profile is explained in this article. If you are unable to perform it, get instant help with our ProAdvisor; Dial Toll-Free no +1-855-525-4247.

When we are talking about QuickBooks Online Advanced then it is very easy to miss all the features hiding inside it, once you are completely involved in using new tools and techniques and also taking advantage of it, offered by Intuit, you will never look back again. We have seen multiple users who upgraded their existing tool to the new offering and they like it a lot. All the specifications having this tool is different from other tools.

QuickBooks Online Advanced offered the “New Custom Reports option will quickly pin at the topmost priority among the users. But you must fix your queries specifying “How to use it” and “when to use it”. Here you will get a guide that helps you to come out from complications by fixing your queries. Let’s proceed further and provide details on how to create and use enhanced custom fields in QuickBooks Online Advanced.

How QuickBooks Online Advanced helps you to create Custom Reports?

By adopting QuickBooks Online Advanced, you can create Custom Fields for almost anything either it belongs to sales receipts, customer types, Vendor IDs, PO numbers, or unique information to your industry. Additionally, you can add Custom Fields to sales forms, purchase orders, expense forms, customer profiles, and vendor profiles. It offers you more flexibility in order to add custom data and drive insights with the help of detailed reports.

How to use Enhanced Custom Fields in QuickBooks Online Advanced?

This helps you in tracking anything which you want such as sales reps responsible for sales, Customer Numbers, and the beginning and ending days of work on a job. You can set up Custom fields for customers and vendors as well as for transactions. 

We will show you an example in the form of a few magic steps, just to “set up Custom Fields for sales reps” and to “Run a report to find Total sales for each sales rep”. 

  • To Start, Go to “Settings ⚙” and then “Custom Fields”
  • And then finally “Add Field” then put the label for the “Name” Field whatever you are trying to track.
  • After that, choose the kind of information you have, simply select one from the drop-down menu in the “Data Type” Field. You will see four options on your screen, these are:
  1. If you want to track something like Sales Reps then you could choose “text” in the data type field.
  2. If you want to type the Sales reps name then you have to go for the “Drop-Down list” to enter all the Sales Reps Name.
  3. By scrolling down you will see the “Select Category” option where you will see three options: Customer, Vendor, and Transaction.
  4. Then move to the “Select Forms” option where you will get multiple options such as Sales Receipt, Invoice, Estimate, Credit Memo, and many others. In this example, we are choosing Sales Reps assigned for Vendor and Customer. (Note: If you want customers and Vendors to see your Custom fields then Activate the “Print on Form”, will be seen on the right side.)
  1. Now “Save” the Custom Fields
  • Once you save, it appears to you and the “check mode” means custom fields are available on the form and the “Printer” means custom fields are available on the form when you print or email it.
  • Just record the transaction that you normally would, simply go to the “New” option at the left side and then choose Invoice inside it
  • Inside the Invoice tab, Choose a name in the “sales reps” field
  • Then Go to the “Reports” and reorder the reports using the new data.
  • From the search bar, search “Sales by Customer Detail” report
  1. This report will show you every line of every sales transaction, everything is total by the customer but slides are grouped by drop-down menu, you can order it using your customer sales reps.
  2. Now the reports show the company‘s organized sales Reps.
  3. You can even save the Customization by clicking on “Save Customization”  

This process will help you in setting enhanced custom fields for anything that is important to your business.

Note: Are you willing to use the feature without any obstacles? You can upgrade to QuickBooks Online Advanced. If you don’t have QuickBooks Online Advanced then be ready to learn about How to add custom fields for other editions of QuickBooks.

How to Create Custom Fields?

In this, you are having up to 12 active custom fields for each particular form(invoice, estimate, purchase order, expense, bill, and so on) and for each particular form(customer and vendor).

Except for text, you can also create a custom dropdown, date, and number fields.

  • First of all, Go to “Settings ⚙” and then choose “Custom Fields”
  • Then choose “Add Custom Field”. If the field is already created by you then go for the “Add field”.
  • Give a name to your Custom Field
  • Choose the type of data which you have and you want to put in your Custom Field: Text, Number, Date, or Dropdown list. If you choose the Drop Down list then you have to manually enter the items in the list.
  • Choose the category that belongs to your Custom Field: Customer, Transaction, or Vendor. Customer Fields are specified for customer profiles and in the same way, vendor fields are specified for vendor profiles. You can assign transaction fields to the same forms belonging to invoices, estimates, and sales receipts as well as purchase forms belonging to purchase orders, bills, expenses, and checks.
  • Choose the form where you want to see the Custom Field. 

Note: For using the Custom Fields in Purchase orders, you are required to first activate the purchase orders for your company.

  • If you enable your customers and vendors to see the field on the form including invoices, estimates, or purchase orders. You have to choose “Print on Forms”. Now customers or vendors can see up to three custom fields on each form.
  • Once you have done everything mentioned above, then choose “Save”.

The hours of salary employers are typically fluctuating, so there is no real path you have either determining their hours unless you can keep track of their time through a time management system. For some reason, if you are willing to determine their hourly rate, then follow the simple procedure.

Note: You have custom fields, you are required to check out how you can search and sort with custom fields and use Custom Reports in reports for getting insights into your business.

How to manage your Custom Fields in One Place

The Custom fields page will be very helpful in managing all your custom fields so that you can easily manage and maintain them. 

Tip: For checking it simply go to the “Settings ⚙” and then choose “Custom Fields”.

For a particular Customer Field, you have to check what category you have to be applied and which forms will appear to you. You will see the print icon if the custom field is visible to the customers and vendors on a form.

How to edit a Custom Field

For editing the Custom Field you have to implement the simple steps listed below:

  • Inside the Actions Column, you have to choose the “Edit” option
  • To Edit the field’s name, you need to choose the forms will see on the screen, and check out whether it is visible to the customers or vendors
  • When everything which you want has been done properly, Choose “Save”. If you have done any editing in it, it will be reflected in all forms that use the field.

How to Make a Custom Field Active or Inactive

For making a Custom Field active or Inactive, you have to follow some steps mentioned below:

  • You have to choose the arrow next to Edit.
  • Then Pick Make active (or Make inactive).
  • After that, choose “Yes” in the pop-up message just to provide confirmation to your choice.

Note: You need not be worried about losing old custom field data: If you make a custom field inactive, you will be able to see your past data and it won’t disappear. The field is still shown on sales forms and purchase orders you used.  

How to Create or Edit Custom Fields in QuickBooks Online Advanced from a form or profile

You can create and edit Custom Fields in QuickBooks Online Advanced from any sales form, purchase order, expense form, customer profile, and vendor profile.

From a sales form (invoice, sales receipt, expense) or purchase form (expense and purchase order):

You have to follow some common steps to proceed further. These steps are:

  • You can either create an existing form or create a new one
  • You will see the “gear” icon at the top of the form, simply choose it. It opens a panel for you along with the “Custom Field” section.
  • For creating the Custom Field, you have to choose “Select + Add custom field”.
  • For editing an existing field, choose the pencil icon that will appear next to the field. Or you can either go for “Manage Custom Fields”. It will open the Custom Fields Page so that you can easily make edits. When all the changes you want have done successfully, close the window, and simply go back to the form.

Note: One point you should always remember that any changes you made in your forms will affect all forms and customer profiles using the Custom Field. The changes will reflect not only in the form.

From customer and vendor profiles

For performing the operations in this section, go through the following steps listed below:

  • First of all, you have to visit the “Customers tab” or “Vendors tab”.
  • After that, Browse and Navigate to open a customer or vendor profile.
  • Choose the “Edit” option.
  • Simply visit the Custom fields tab.
  1. For creating the custom field, You have to choose “select + Add custom field”. Then, Fill out the information you know about the field, At last hit the “Save” option.
  2. For editing an existing field, You have to choose “Manage custom fields”. Once this option is chosen, it will open the Custom fields page so that you can make edits. Once all the changes you want to perform are successfully processed then close the window and go back to the profile.
  • Pick the “Save” option just for saving all the changes you have made.

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