How To Clear/Correct Cache Amount For QuickBooks Enterprise (QuickBooks Memory Leak)

Are you preparing to collect information about how to clear/correct cache amount for QuickBooks Enterprise? Then don’t wander, this article will provide you with all the information related to clear/ correct cache amount for QuickBooks Enterprise. Read the article to get your query answered. Here we arranged all the information in order that when what and how to follow this to resolve the issue, you may find here different solutions, follow them to fix the problem. Find the most reliable QuickBooks Enterprise support, by dialing the toll-free number +1-844-405-0904.

Hope you are doing well with your business with all new and advanced versions in QuickBooks. To make your working experience even smoother, our support team is here to guide the correct cache amount for QuickBooks Enterprise and help you resolve the issue of memory leak, qbmapi64 out of memory etc so that you can speed up the QuickBooks performance.

QuickBooks Enterprise is useful in managing payroll details, inventory lists, customer data. As when you install QuickBooks, cache memory is inbuilt in QuickBooks desktop clear cache and that memory is used by the database manager. Sometimes the settings get modified as a result value gets lower or it fails to actually meet the optimal cache amount. Many times, in this case, the correct cache amount in QuickBooks becomes incorrect that leads to run PC slowly.

By using QuickBooks Enterprise, you can speed up the growth of your business as with the help of this, less error will come.

When to Correct Cache Amount for QuickBooks Enterprise

There is a need to correct cache amount for QuickBooks Enterprise-

Before performing the troubleshooting steps for the QuickBooks memory leak, see that QuickBooks is updated to a new version. You can update by two methods-

  • Manual update
  • Automatic update

How To Correct Cache Amount For QuickBooks Enterprise?

Solution 1

Use qbw.ini file to correct memory cache amount

These steps apply when the overall application is set up on the web hosting computer.

  • Turn on your computer.
  • You need to go to the path C:\ProgramData\Intuit to open the QBW.ini file.
  • Choose DB SERVER OPTIONS with required values. Options are- Initial cache and max cache.
  • Initial Cache- You can use the initial cache till the first file opens. Set it to none or zero, it doesn’t affect its performance.
  • Max Cache- This cache helps in improving the performance of your system as it provides the maximum memory amount used by QuickBooks Database Manager to communicate with the company file setting to make it unlimited.
  • You need to turn off and turn on to save the file.
  • For Server-only install, follow the below steps-

Open the Command prompt each time and enter:

  • Net stop QuickBooks DB25
  • Net start QBCFMonitorService
  • Net stop QBCFMonitorService

Solution 2

Change the cache setting manually for “Server-Only Install”

For Server-only Install, we have given two methods as

Method 1- For checking the current cache settings, you need to sign-in windows.

  • Choose Open command so you can get multi-user access for QuickBooks desktop file.
  • Go to HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\QuickBooksDB25\Parameter.
  • Check the numbers after -ch and -c. Enterprise solutions run well with settings -ch 512M and -c 256M. If your current setting is not modified, change it as described.
  • If you get an error, verify that you spelled it correctly.

Method 2- Change the settings in the registry.

  • Save all your files and logout from QuickBooks Desktop.
  • To stop the QuickBooks Desktop Database service open the command prompt and Enter net stop QuickBooks DB25.
  • The settings are stored in the windows registry and need to be corrected there. Do not try by yourself if you are not an IT professional in editing the registry.
  • Key Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\QuickBooksDBxx\Parameters.

The current value may look like -n QB_Server_Name -qs -gd ALL -gk all -gp 4096 -gu all -ch 256M -c 128M.

Intuit recommended to following changes:

  • From -ch 256M change to -ch 512M. For unlimited, delete -ch 256M and -ch 512M. The value should look “-n QB_SERVER_NAME -qs -gd ALL -gk all -gp 4096 -gu all”

Note: This memory is not purely unlimited but actually “Database managed” and can use more memory when needed.

  • From -c 128M change to -c 256M.
  • If your settings were already at the recommended level, you do not change them. This file does not cover the cause of your performance troubles.
  • Save your changes.
  • On the command prompt, enter net start QuickBooks DBxx. (xx=24 for 2014 version / 25 for 2015 version).
  • Launch QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise and open your file.

Before choosing any options, please ensure that QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise 14.0 or 15.0 is up to date to the latest version.

Steps to Clear cache in QuickBooks Online

QuickBooks uses browser cache and cookies to run online faster. But there are very few times when cache and cookies let little problems. First, let’s find out whats cache related problems you are facing with your computer. Read the points below:

  • QuickBooks continuously requiring you to sign in even after signing several times.
  • You may not see the form (such as your annual payroll form or invoice preview), or sudden your browser is taking an unusually long time to download the form.
  • If you are facing problems in exporting data (for example, exporting records to Excel or transacting to different accounting program).

Note: Always use a supported, up-to-date browser to have the best and most secure experience with QuickBooks Online.

Step 1: Clear your browser’s cache

Browser’s cache stores your computer’s files for quicker response to users on their next visit. But by time, it also gets clogged with old files which can create minor issues. It is always good to practice clear cache from a timely.

Note: Make sure to restart your browser after clearing the cache.

Step 2: Clear Intuit-specific cookies from your browser

Most of the time, all you need to do is clear your browser’s cache. But if you still have the same problem after doing so, you can clear Intuit-specific cookies. This helps to refresh website preferences that you may have problems using while using QuickBooks.

Note: It is required to only clear Intuit-specific cookies.

Let’s move further and discuss the steps for different browsers.

For Google Chrome:

  • Open the Google Chrome browser, choose the Menu button.
  • Go to the Settings.
  • Choose Advanced and look for the site setting under the Privacy and Security option.
  • Now click on cookies and site data.
  • Go to see all cookies and site data.
  • In the search bar type “intuit” to find Intuit cookies.
  • Choose Remove.
  • Restart your browser for the changes to take effect.

For Mozilla Firefox

  • Open Mozilla Firefox and go to the Open menu ≡.
  • Choose Preferences ⚙ and look for Privacy Security.
  • Click on Manage Data under the option Cookies and Site Data.
  • In the search bar type “intuit”, and choose Enter to view Intuit cookies.
  • Choose Remove All.
  • Click on Save Changes.
  • Restart your browser for the changes to take effect.

For Safari:

  • Launch Safari and choose the Safari near the apple icon to the top left on screen
  • Now, choose Preferences.
  • Go to Privacy.
  • Choose Manage website data.
  • Insert “intuit” in the search bar to discover Intuit cookies.
  • Choose Remove all and then click on Remove Now.
  • Choose Done.
  • Restart your browser for the changes to take effect.

For Microsoft Edge:

Microsoft Edge does not allow you to delete site-specific cookies. If you are still facing any issue, then contact us.

Wrapping up

Hope this article will be helpful to you. In case if you are facing any difficulty while performing the above steps then feel free to contact our intuit certified ProAdvisor and get instant help. Our QuickBooks Support team is always there to provide the most authentic and effective information to our customers. Our objective is to provide you with all possible help in QuickBooks. If you need any further help, you may dial a toll-free number +1-844-405-0904.

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