How To Fix QuickBooks Error When Parsing XML Text Stream

Facing the problem related to QuickBooks error when parsing XML text stream? Don’t worry, it,s time to fix this issue by reading this article which is embedded with the reasons and solutions as well. Here you will find out exact solutions not the lengthy preface, so just go through the page and apply one of the methods mentioned here. we hope you will resolve your problem by doing the same as mentioned but if even then the problem continues then contact us, we will be glad to help you +1-855-525-4247.

In today’s world QuickBooks has become the most powerful accounting software because of its accounting and bookkeeping solutions. This software is less with the special features and tools which can carry out any financial operations for any kind of business.

But we can’t neglect the truth that every great software has some errors and QuickBooks Software is one of them. Which takes you to the series of errors and issues of QuickBooks which should be fixed quickly to avoid any kind of trouble and keep the business going without any problems.

In this article, we are going to discuss “QuickBooks found an error when parsing the provided XML text stream”. And later we’ll provide few techniques to help you in solving this unwanted error.

 QuickBooks Found Error When Parsing XML Text Stream Explained

QuickBooks Error Parsing XML Text Stream belongs to 0x80040400 error code. Usually, this error code comes out when the QuickBooks user made any kind of post to the QuickBooks Desktop.  This error will show up in the ESC client if the direct connect method is applied to connect ESC. It is mostly seen in a specific program in which the ESC Server is deployed to connect as the server hangs.

Reason Behind QuickBooks Found Error When Parsing XML Text Stream

Below we have mentioned some of the most possible causes of the error:

1. You may have some kind of special character in a field that QuickBooks software cannot process. This mostly happens in the line item description field. These are some of the following letters that can cause this error:

  • &
  • <
  • >
  • \
  • /
  • %
  • *
  • ~

2. It appears when the user trying to paste data from other programs to ESC directly

3. Existence of any kind of illegal letters in the XML data

4. Ineligible character

Now let’s move ahead and discuss how to fix this error completely.

Step-By-Step Solutions For QuickBooks Found An Error When Parsing The Provided XML Text Stream

Below is the list of step-by-step solutions to fix this error. However, it is advised to read and follow all the steps wisely in order to fix the error and to avoid any unwanted trouble.


  1. First, you have to open the sales menu and then select the invoices list view from the options. Then in the Views panel find the Unposted Invoices list
  2. Then you have to check the invoice numbers of all unposted invoices
  3. Now you have to go back to the post to QuickBooks Screen under the file menu and then you have to post each invoice individually, not by the duration. You have to keep posting invoices one by one until the error comes up on your screen. This will tell you exactly which invoice has an Ineligible character in it.
  4. After finding out the invoices you have to open that invoice in the Sales Invoicing screen in ESC and then you have to review each line item.
  5. If you found out any line item contains some text that was copied from outside of ESC and pasted into the invoice, now you have to remove that text and retype all the information manually.
  6. By retyping the information manually also remove any kind of hidden formatting or characters that might have been copied and pasted into ESC that may not be visible to you. Or you can look for any kind of Ineligible character or symbols that might be used in the description of an items 
  7. Once your invoices have been rectified then you have to resave the invoice
  8. Now you have to go back to the Post to QuickBooks screen under the File menu and again post that invoice to QuickBooks. Now that invoices which you rectify should post without any errors or disruptions. Now you can post the other invoices to QuickBooks as you always do. If you still have the error again then you have to repeat this process until every single invoice has been correct.


Resolving the Issue by removing all the illegal characters from the XML stream. We mention all the steps below. Follow all the instructions on your system

  1. First, you need to go to the start menu and after that, you have to type %APPDATA% in the search bar, and after that press enter
  2. Now you can see the Application Data folder show up on your screen. Now from that folder, you have to click on the ESC folder
  3. Now you have to remove the QBXML.log file from that folder
  4. After that, you have to post to QuickBooks. If the error still shows up then click on ok
  5. If you trying to connect to QuickBooks through the ESC Accounting Server then you will notice that ESC Client will hang
  6. Now you have to use the Task manager to end the program and then restart it again
  7. While making the attempt to post the QBXML.log file regenerates in the Application Data\ESC directory
  8. Now you have to open the QBXML.log file and carefully view the last entry. It will show you the transaction that caused the error
  9. Now you have to open the record that shows the error in ESC and search for Ineligible characters. After searching you have to remove all the special characters and save the record
  10. Now you have to try again to post in QuickBooks desktop again
  11. If somehow some other issue appears on your screen regarding the same error then you have to repeat steps 1 to 7 and you have to do this until the post works properly

We hope that the above-mentioned steps will help you to solve this error. We have discussed all the possible facts and features related to “QuickBooks found an error when parsing the provided XML text stream”. If still, you can’t resolve the problem then you can get in touch with our customer support staff they are 24/7 available to help you and provide you with the best solution. All you have to do is call on our customer support number.

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