How To Locate Your Merchant Account ID Number in QuickBooks

Do you know what the Merchant Account ID number is, and how to locate it? No, or having doubt then you will be covering the article to understand the process of how to locate and what it is. Reading the article will enable you to locate your merchant ID by yourself. But if there is any issue in locating it then contact us on Toll-Free:+1-855-525-4247

A Merchant Account ID Number in QuickBooks is the unique code that is provided by the payment processor to the merchant. This merchant account ID number is mainly used within the credit card processing industry to transfer funds by banks. Then goes back to the merchant which is accepting card payments. This code that is MID is carried with cardholder information to those to whom we need to transfer. This ID is very important because this helps to identify the merchants by the other parties and even by the processor. 

This ID number is the business which is equivalent to the bank account number. This is not a public record that is capable of searching through publicly available outlets. If you will not be having the merchant account ID number then the networks involved will not be knowing where they have or need to send your money. You then open yourself up to vulnerabilities, if you need to share this number then you need to be very sure and conformed to share this number, until you are not sure don’t share it with anyone.

If there is a large business in which they are having multiple merchant account IDs, then they can use internal tools to identify a subordinate unit by their name then only the ID number will be shown. But if you are trying to locate a merchant ID for your large or small business, then the process will differ which is based on a variety of factors.

What can be done in QuickBooks Merchant Service Center

Create a Merchant Account ID

The given below are showing how a person can create the merchant ID in QuickBooks:

  • A Merchant account ID number will be received by the merchant when they will start working with an acquiring bank that can directly or mostly get through a merchant service provider.
  • This ID involves business verification that is by this ID business is verified that it exists or not and every information.
  • Then you need the information on the business ownership and the tax number and all the details related. (Keep in mind when you will get your Merchant ID don’t lose it)
  • After getting your merchant account ID number you can work like a credit card processing company. But you need to take care that you don’t get flagged due to excessive chargebacks.

Chargebacks are part of the business but a high rate of chargebacks leads to the sign that the business is taking advantage of the customer and your right to transact can be lost if you consistently receive a high number of chargebacks. Even an MSP can freeze your account or funds which is dependent on the transaction history. There are some ways to prevent chargebacks. They are:

  • Verification of the Geolocation
  • Biometric Technology
  • There is Address Verification Systems (AVS)
  • Verification of CVV
  • 3D secure
  • Fraud Filters
  • You can be given a designated chargeback representative which is working for your business and chargeback assistance is provided free for all clients.

Some QuickBooks Merchant service accounts have direct access to the merchant service center. They are:

Steps to Locate Merchant Account ID Number

The steps where you can able to found the Merchant Account ID Number:

  • On your email Id, you will receive a mail of approval when you opened your Merchant Service Account.
  • Even you can find it on the merchant statement at the left on the top quadrant of the first page of the statement.

If the statement and approval email id is not available to you then you can also find them by the account type.

QuickBooks Desktop

  • Go to the Customer Menu and choose credit card activities.
  • Then you need to select the Merchant Service Center and it will take you to the homepage and you can find your merchant ID there.

QuickBooks Online

  • First, select the Gear Icon, and then under your company choose Account and Setting
  • Then select the payments tab.

QuickBooks Desktop Point Of Sale

  • First, go to the File menu, and set up interviews will be shown.
  • Then, go to the Payment option.


  • Login into The MSC and the homepage will be shown
  • Then there you can see your merchant account ID number on the right side.

Find Your Existing Merchant ID

Merchant IDs are private information so they cannot be visible or found anywhere you want. If you are not part of the business and you are trying to find the Merchant Account ID Number then we are sorry you will not be able to find any Merchant ID and you will not be able to take its advantage. Merchant ID is used for routing the money. These numbers should not be released publicly. MIDs contains 16 number that is Merchant Account ID number is 16 digits long and you can find them in a new way:

Find Merchant ID in Your Merchant Statement

At the right on the merchant statement at the top from the MSP. There you will be able to see a Merchant ID of 16 digits but if you aren’t able to see it then hold your merchant services provider or processor and ask them.

Find Merchant ID in Your Terminal

Many times the MSPs for the processors are used to put your Merchant ID on your terminal. So you need to check on your terminal whether the ID is present or not.

On Bank Statement

The statement which comes from the bank should have some version of your Merchant Account ID Number where all the information of your credit and debit card from your processor are included. This starts with BTOT and MTOT.

Call your Merchant Services Provider or Processor

If you have done all the way to find the Merchant Account ID Number but then also you are not able to find it then you can call your MSP and can get your ID on their platform.

Find a Google Pay Merchant Account ID Number

For this you just need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the settings of Google Pay.
  • Then go to the Public Merchant Profile.
  • There you will be able to see the ID.

Find PayPal Merchant ID

For this you just need to follow the given steps below:

  • First, go to your profile on PayPal.
  • Then you can see your ID under My Business Information.

Last Words

In this article, we have discussed what is the Merchant Account ID Number, how we can create the Merchant Account ID Number, and how we can locate it. We have discussed all the methods but if then also you face some issues with this then you can contact our QuickBooks Support Team and can also talk to our QuickBooks ProAdvisor and solve all your issues.

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