Top 8 Considerations For QuickBooks Cloud Hosting

Looking for top considerations For QuickBooks cloud hosting? Don’t wander anymore, you are at your destination for your query result, the article is to serve the detailed information right at your fingertips. Here the article is to serve you with a bowl of information related to considerations for QuickBooks cloud hosting. Hope you will find your best consideration with us, but in case you need any assistance or help our Quickbooks ProAdvisor consult you. contact us on:+1-855-525-4247

Surely, QuickBooks by Intuit is one of the most trusted and proficient tools in accounting and appreciated by every size and type of business for offering comprehensive features and functionalities to manage business operations. For every task from accounting to bookkeeping, QuickBooks has always been ideal for businesses and allows to manage the cash flow statement, tracking income or revenue, generating bills or invoices, managing inventory or stocks, and a lot more things can be done to fulfill your business needs and decide your business goals and target.

If you are fed up with the inabilities of QuickBooks Desktop and want to migrate, configure, set up your QuickBooks Desktop version to the cloud hosting, then you have to find out the best QuickBooks Cloud hosting providers who have excellent expertise or if they are QuickBooks Certified professionals. But hold on! Do not make any hurry as you need to think about some thorough and deep considerations for QuickBooks cloud hosting before you decide or choose QuickBooks Cloud Hosting solutions from any provider.

So, here we have designed and shortlisted some crucial considerations for QuickBooks cloud hosting about which you have to think about before purchasing any QuickBooks Cloud Hosting plan of any intuit certified hosting provider. After all, it is a matter of the productivity and success of your business.

Top Considerations For QuickBooks Cloud Hosting

Reliability of The Hosting Provider

If you are a QuickBooks user, you must have worked on QuickBooks and have good knowledge of it. The cloud will further boost your skills to speed up processes. However, the wrong choice of the cloud service provider can only be a game of loot. Therefore, it is a priority to ensure that your choice of cloud hosting provider is a competent player in the market.

When selecting the QuickBooks hosting service providers, you need to watch these points:

  • Intuit Authorization
  • Affiliations
  • Experience
  • Round-the-Clock Support
  • SLA-guaranteed Uptime
  • Backup Policy
  • Security Policy
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
  • Managed Services

Must Tell Your QuickBooks Cloud Hosting Provider The Requirements Of Your Business

if you have all the features and functionality in the cloud but what if those features and functionalities have no significant role in fulfilling the basic to the must-want need of your business.

If you would like to have hosted QuickBooks or QuickBooks Cloud Hosting to increase the productivity and accessibility of business, you must have to mention what kind of requirement or basic needs your business wants in front of your cloud solutions provider. You also have to explain in more detail What kind of virtual desktops you want which version or edition of QuickBooks Desktop you are thinking of using in the cloud hosting. In cloud hosting, you can use any of QuickBooks versions such as QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, QuickBooks Enterprise and you should also tell which QB you want to use whether 2020 or 2019. 

And for how many users, workers, clients, employees do you want to purchase the subscriptions? How many users do you think will you be adding in the next 12 months? Inform your QuickBooks cloud vendor regarding all such details well in advance for better understanding and for having quality services.

Certainly, you have to make sure that the cloud hosting solutions provider can perfectly fulfill your company’s requirements before you sign any agreement with them. By following this way, you will have to pay a much more accurate and adorable price quotation from them which may help you decide better. So, before contacting and looking out for the best cloud hosting provider for the QuickBooks Desktop version, you must have to take a paper on which you have to note down basic advancement needs and requirements of the business regarding features, storage, accessibility, security, and protection protocols, customer support, and so on. And make a clear vision of business requirements.

You Must Be Aware Of or Have At Least The Basic Understanding Of The Working Of Cloud Hosting 

If you have well-advanced cloud functionality but you do not know how to take full advantage or utilize the entire potential of QuickBooks Cloud Hosting, then the money you spent on cloud features and capabilities can go in vain

Having a basic overview of cloud hosting is necessary so that you would easily be able to utilize the overall offerings of hosting. But specifically, you do not need to hire or contact an accountant or a financial advisor to learn all the basics of cloud computing or hosting. No doubt if you want to move your business from desktop to cloud platform, you must have used QuickBooks Desktop for a lot of time or you have the expertise and experience of operating QB desktop. Then no need to be worried here about understanding the basics of cloud computing, as it requires the same and easy efforts which you would have put in learning QB Desktop.

And no advanced and high profile knowledge is required but a basic understanding will teach you how to learn the working and services of cloud hosting so that you would be able to customize and personalize them as per your business needs and requirements. Below you can look at some of the features of Cloud Hosting.

Understanding the basic functioning and overview of cloud computing or hosting, not only will help you to make the selective choice of features and functionalities that suit your business needs or requirements but it will also save you from spending too much money than it is required. As you might be aware of the fact that there are so many hosting solutions providers out there who know very well how to trick and make a fool of someone who does not know much about the hosting solutions and its services or prices according to features, etc.

Cloud hosting not just provides anytime access from any device, but provides several benefits like backups, firewalls, disaster recovery, flexibility-of-use, and more.

Following Are The Features Of Cloud Computing:-

  • Great Availability of Resources
  • On-demand Self-service – This feature allows Cloud computing to provide and available resources on-demand of clients or customers when he or she wants to have it. It is one of the important and valuable features of cloud computing through which the user can continuously monitor the server uptime, capabilities, and allotted network storage. With this feature, the user can also monitor the capabilities of cloud computing.
  • Easy Maintenance – The downtime is very low and to be honest in some cases there is no downtime at all. And if the server is not working in some situation then it is fixed and maintained as soon as possible. Cloud computing is also known for updating every time or work by gradually making it better and perfect. The updates have compatibility with various devices such as tablets, PCs, Mobile phones and perform faster than older ones along with the bugs which are fixed.
  • Large Network Access – anytime and anywhere the user can access the data or files in the cloud or they can also upload the important files or information in the cloud just with the help of a device they have like mobile phones, tablets, Pc, smartphones, etc with a strong internet connection. These capabilities are available all over the network and accessed with the help of the internet.
  • 24/7 availability of resources and access
  • Cloud hosting facilitates automation in the system
  • Economical benefit is a one-time investment
  • Security is one of the benefits that ensure the protection and confidentiality of crucial data or files in the cloud 
  • Pay as you go – this is one of the most interesting and relevant features of cloud computing, which shows that the user only has to pay the amount of money for only the service or space or storage he or she uses and utilizes. There is no hidden or extra charge which you have to pay for sure. In cloud hosting, you sometimes get a free trial and free valid and possible services to improve the experience of your cloud computing.

Conduct Some Deep Research To Know About Your QuickBooks Cloud Hosting Provider Well

Being a small business owner or an accountant, you are responsible and hold accountability for managing and taking care of all the accounting and business finances crucial data of the business in a very well-organized and goal-oriented manner. So, would you take a risk by dealing with someone whom you do not know very well? After all, choosing someone to configure the QuickBooks Desktop version in the cloud is a matter of trust and future going business deals.

Undoubtedly, by using QuickBooks Desktop on your local machine, you must be a very skilled and experienced person who have spent years in tackling all the accounting complexities, but if you are thinking to make your desktop-established business go device-less by installing it in the cloud hosting then surely it will boost and upgrade your accounting skills to an extent level. But choosing the wrong QuickBooks Cloud Hosting provider who is not even sensible to understand your business needs, can put you in big risk ever you could be in.

Here We Have Summarized The Abilities Which You Have To Find In your QuickBooks Cloud Hosting Provider

Just Ask Yourself!

  • And since when did your QuickBooks Cloud hosting providers start offering hosting solutions?
  • Do they have an established online presence?
  • What are reviews about that specific hosting provider on the internet?
  • In which industries and businesses they offered their cloud hosting services? Which business and company has recently been offered QuickBooks hosting? Read their reviews 
  • Did they answer my queries concisely and objectively?
  • Did they try to sell me something repeatedly?
  • The very first point you need to think about is Can I trust this provider?
  • If your QuickBooks Cloud Hosting provider offers you 24/7 support or not
  • Have you talked to their agents?
  • Whom do you choose to host QuickBooks Desktop in the cloud, do they people professional or do they have expertise in dealing with hosting solutions?
  • You also have to try to know Where are the company’s data centers located
  • What do other people say about them (reviews)?
  • Do they hold any certification by Intuit in this specific field?
  • How often is my QuickBooks data backed up?
  • What is the pricing compared to other competitors?
  • Does QB cloud hosting provider allow you to purchase QuickBooks licenses along with hosting?

Ensure The Security And Protection Of Your Data Confidentiality

Can you trust someone who has nothing to do with the security of accounting and financial data of your business and that hosting providers only know how to trick you to invest money blindly in his services? What is the use of installing QB Desktop into the cloud hosting server, if your data is not secure? Of course, you would not 

For any business, data or information is something that is considered as the asset of the company as it guides you to make proper planning and take a goal-oriented decision so that you can work successfully to enhance and increase the productivity of the business. So why should you not be aware of what kind of security or safety protocols are used by your QuickBooks Cloud Hosting Provider to ensure the protection and confidentiality of data over the internet?

Businesses who would like to move their QuickBooks Desktop business to the cloud hosting service, there are possibly two reasons for it:-

  • The first way is when you take the subscription of QuickBooks Online and do not want to use QB Desktop anymore. And you are looking for a better and highly effective solution
  • The second method is when you are still thinking to use QuickBooks Desktop Version but want to unlock and unravel all the better advantages, features, functionalities, that come with hosted QuickBooks or QuickBooks Cloud Hosting.

And surely, you must be aware of the fact that how dangerous the cyber-attacks have become for those who conduct online payments, online banking, or who operate their business in the cloud, etc. There is so much news in the newspapers regarding cybercrime or cyberattack which challenges the security and confidentiality of data or information. Taking hints from these cases, your business data protection should be your primary data security concern before you finalize a cloud hosting vendor.

Before you fix and invest in any QuickBooks hosting service provider just think the security of data and choose such QuickBooks Cloud Hosting provider who put your data security on top priority:

Just take a look at some features and functionalities that are related to the security of your data and google them to get the basic idea of them, so that you would easily be able to deal and communicate with the hosting provider regarding the data security issues confidently and effectively.

Data Security Features For QuickBooks Cloud Hosting Platform:-

  • Detection and Auditing of added devices – when it comes to the protection of financial information, the violation of data security and confidentiality or network intrusions from unauthorized network devices have become a matter of concern for years as it leads us to a dangerous situation.  Therefore, auditing of network devices is critical to ensure devices are properly configured. The devices will include such as routers, firewalls, etc.
  • File Integrity Monitoring – In this feature, the operating system, database, files of application software are tested and checked by the It security process to know whether these files or information have been corrupted and accessed by someone or not. Just keep this point in your head while talking to your provider regarding data security and integrity.
  • Do you are offered RDP gateways?
  • End-to-end data encryption functionality to ensure a better and safe environment in the cloud or internet – This is something you should not forget about and even in Whatsapp, you get this security to ensure safe and secure communication over the internet. It is a method to establish secure communication over the internet that prevents third-parties or unauthorized users from accessing data, files, information that you have in a specific online platform. while it’s transferred from one end system or device to another. 
  • In End-to-end encryption, when you transfer the data or information to somebody on the internet your data is converted into an encrypted format and when it is reached to the destination(your receiver)it is changed into decryption format to read.
  • Malware prevention system – malware is a big threat to your computer system, server, computer network which is designed intentionally to harm and damage your data and hardware integrity.

While choosing a QuickBooks hosting provider, you have to ask him what kind of malware protection he offers you to protect your data in the cloud. For the prevention of malware, you need an anti-malware system or software that protects the computer from malware such as spyware, adware, and worms. It scans and detects the system for all types of malicious software found on your computer system. Saving your data or files from worms and viruses, the anti-malware program plays an important role in data integrity and protection.

  • Virus detection and prevention – Does your QuickBooks cloud hosting providers offer you robust tools to detect and prevent viruses? Ask them how the viruses will be detected and removed and what kind of functionality and features you will be given in the anti-virus application in the hosting.
  • Does your cloud hosting provider offer you functionality for multiple firewalls to provide security to different zones of users?
  • SSAE-16 Type II (SOC-2) certified data centers
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) complied
  • Security Auditing
  • Single Sign-on
  • Does your cloud hosting have Identity and Access Management tools to regulate the identity and access rights of users, workers, clients, employees? Well, you should have it
  • Configuration Change Management
  • Network Monitoring – Network monitoring is the functionality you are given by your cloud hosting provider to constantly and thoroughly monitor a computer network for slow or failing components. 
  • IAM or Enterprise Identity and Access Management
  • Centralized Logging 

those whom you want to access QuickBooks in the cloud hosting must be updated with basic knowledge of how things will be done in the cloud and what kind of impact will make on your existing business. Users must be aware of 

If you have made up your mind to host your business in the cloud, then the next thing you need to do is make your workers, staff, IT professionals updated with the move of migrating and doing business in the cloud. Here, you have to finalize the workers, clients, employees all of them whom you want to give access to QuickBooks in the cloud and it is your duty to make them trained and aware of the functionality of QuickBooks cloud for better productivity of the business. Analyze the resources and services that will not be required in the QuickBooks hosted as well.

You also can give prior training to your users and workers if they require before accessing the QuickBooks cloud hosting. And encourage them to clear their doubts or queries they have regarding the working and features of QuickBooks Hosted.

Add-ons And Version For QuickBooks Cloud Hosting Service

Almost all the QuickBooks Cloud Hosting Providers have hosting solutions for all the versions of QuickBooks Desktop such as QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, QuickBooks Accountant. In cloud hosting, there will be lots of add-ons and plugins to ensure the availability of every feature that will help to carry out the accounting task smoothly.

Service Level Agreement

Last but not least, this is one of the most significant factors which you must forget at any cost. The Service level agreement is the proof of authentic dealing between you and your cloud hosting provider. The agreement will ensure that you will be given the uptime guarantee, migration support, exit plan, all the facilities, and functionalities to grow your business by the cloud hosting provider and you see eye to eye with each other.

Limitations Of QuickBooks Desktop Make You To Go For Cloud Hosting

You would agree with us on a thing, that our dependency on the traditional method of using QuickBooks(where you install QuickBooks Desktop, Pro, Accountant, Premier on your local device) may put us in huge risk. As we may face lots of hurdles to keep our accounting and business activities going smoothly. The hurdles we may experience when using QuickBooks on the local machine can be such as damaging of QB company files or data, no functionality for multi-user access, no remote access, you have to be dependent on the specific device, no backup when you mistakenly delete your QB data or files, and so many things may come in your way to prevent your perfectly going activities to manage the business.

Scope And Scalability Of QuickBooks Cloud Hosting

Therefore, to overcome and eliminate the problems of QuickBooks Desktop that you face sometimes. Cloud hosting is like a gem that minimizes all the dependencies that we have on our desktop, hardware, OS, etc. The cloud hosting technology takes your QuickBooks Desktop of various versions to a cloud-based platform where you do not need to be worried about your hardware, protection, customer support, data availability, etc.

QuickBooks cloud hosting facilitates the flexible platform with multiple features and functionalities to fulfill your business accounting needs and decide objectives. All the features of QuickBooks are enhanced and equipped under the considerations of cloud environment so that it can offer expanded accessibility, better security, collaboration abilities for multiple users, etc.

In addition to cloud hosting benefits, QuickBooks Cloud Hosting not only provides you 24 hours access to your data or files over the internet but it also helps you to have several other benefits such as cloud backups automatically on a regular basis, enhanced methods to ensure security and confidentiality of business accounting data or information in QuickBooks cloud, prompt vendor support related to IT, compatibility with all devices and platforms you use such as PC, tablets, smartphone, and much more.

Hope you have understood the crucial considerations for QuickBooks cloud hosting before purchasing any plan from cloud hosting service provider, for further query & issue reach us by dialling our toll-free +1-855-525-4247 and get instant solution.

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