QuickBooks Unexpected Error – qbposshell Has Stopped Working Fixes

Are you worried about QuickBook’s unexpected error? If you are getting troubled with qbposshell has stopped working or getting a message as “unexpected error happened. please restart QuickBooks point of sale” – then you have arrived at the right place. In this article, we will describe how you can fix this error. Go through the complete article and the troubleshooting steps to fix the error. For more info contact our QuickBooks ProAdvisor toll-free:+1-855-525-4247

QuickBooks Point of Sale Unexpected Errors

The error may be caused by :

  • Your PC not meeting the minimum framework requirements.
  • The point of Sale Database Manager that may not be running.
  • Harmed or improperly introduced Microsoft.NET structure.

Troubleshooting steps for unexpected errors when opening QuickBooks Point of Sale

You can solve it by the following ways

  • An unexpected error happened if it’s not too much trouble restart Point of Sale. a special case from HRESULT: 0x88980406
  • An unexpected error occurred. The error is: Value cannot be null.
  • Not able to open the program through the Point of Sale icon
  • Error: Exception has been tossed by the target of an invocation
  • Set up framework failed to initialize
  • Error 100 database server not found “08w01”
  • Error: 176120 invalid permit key status, key denied
  • Error: QBPOSShell has quit working

Make sure that QuickBooks Point of Sale is Updated

Visit the product updates page, ensure that Point of Sale is selected as your product, and follow the instructions to install the Manual update. You Might have to reboot afterward.

Make sure that System is well configured

  • Please check the Minimum configurations required for your system to run the QuickBooks Point of Sale.
  • Now, you need to run the QuickBooks POS Database Server Manager vXX. For this,
    • First, click on the Start menu and then in the search bar type services.msc and then hit enter.
    • Now in the Services window, right-click on the QB POS Database Manager vXX and then select start.
    • Select Restart, if the start option is not available. (Here XX needs to be the highest version available.)
  • At last, Restart your computer.

Open and execute the Microsoft Component Clean up Tool

This will take 15-20 minutes to complete and requires a reboot.

  • Shut all the running programs.
  • Download the QuickBooks Component Repair Tool for Windows XP/Vista/7 and save it to your desired location.
  • Double-click on the file and when security prompt, click Yes.
  • Click Yes on the next two screens. A couple of black screens will appear while the tool is running.
  • When it’s over, reboot when prompted.

Switch to a New Window User

  • Go to the Windows Start button, type User Accounts in search space, and then press Enter.
  • Go to the Manage user accounts and click it.
  • After that click Manage another account.
  • Click Create a new account and give it the name of the Test.
  • Choose Administrator for user type.
  • Log off Windows, sign in as the user you just created and try to open Point of Sale again. If the issue persists, try toggling your UAC settings.

Restart QuickBooks Point of Sales Shell and Troubleshoot compatibility

  • Close Point of Sale and press Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
  • If necessary, click Start Task Manager.
  • Click the Processes tab and click the Image Name column title to sort it alphabetically.
  • Right-click QBPOSShell.exe and then click End Process.
  • Important: If you see more than one QBPOSShell, follow the steps below to troubleshoot compatibility with Windows.
  • Close Task Manager and open Point of Sale.

Uninstall and Reinstall .NET Framework and QuickBooks POS

  • First, uninstall QuickBooks Point of Sale from your computer.
  • Then, you need to uninstall Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 and 4.5
    • Go to the Programs and Features window, and then select Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or 4.5
    • Then select the uninstall option and then click Next.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the program and then follow the next step to reinstall it. Remember to restart the computer after uninstalling the application.
    • Note: If you are facing any error while uninstalling the .NET framework then we recommend you consult an IT professional or Microsoft technical support.
  • Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (4.0 Client and Extended built-in)
    • First, you need to download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (The .NET Framework 4.5 version is a combination of 4.0 (Client and Extended). You can download it from the official Microsoft website.
    • Save the downloaded file on your computer, and then double-click on the file.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to install the application.
    • When the installation finished restart the computer.
    • While installing if you encounter any error then we recommend you consult an IT professional.
  • Then, finally, reinstall QuickBooks Point of Sale.

Wrapping Up!

We hope you found this article useful. We’ve discussed all the solutions to QuickBook’s unexpected error when opening Point of Sale. If you are still facing any error in QuickBooks Point of Sale then you can contact our Intuit Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor through our 24/7 support number +1-855-525-4247.

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