Customize Templates Common Issues in QuickBooks Desktop & How to Fix Them?

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the common customize template issues that users may encounter while creating or editing a template in QuickBooks Desktop. There are different types of templates are available in the QuickBooks Desktop, it is quite a possibility that users may face an issue while using it. Don’t worry if this happens to you, read this article and we believe that you’ll find the necessary solution. For further queries related to this issue contact our QuickBooks ProAdvisor on Toll-Free:+1-855-525-4247

Without delaying anymore let’s discuss issues and their solution one by one.

There are no Lines or Borders around the fields in Invoices and Statements

If this is happening while printing then there is a possibility that you may have enabled the option to not print lines around each field. In QuickBooks, you can select whether you want lines or not. If the lines and borders are visible on the forms but not on others then follow the below procedure.

  • Go to the File > Printer Setup option.
  • Next, click on the Form drop-down menu, and from here select the appropriate form.
  • Then, select the Blank Paper option from the Print On section.
  • Unmark the box stating Do not Print Lines around each field and then select OK.

Emailed Invoices have text issues

Some of the fields are not aligned correctly when an invoice is in Pdf format. To fix this issue, you need to change the font of the invoice.

  • Open the invoice that needs to be correct.
  • After that, select the Customize Data Layout tab from the Formatting tab.
  • Here, select the Layout Designer tab.
  • Next is an important step. You need to find the field that includes the bad text and then select the Properties option.
  • In the Properties, select the Font option and change the font or try to change size. (By default, Cambria font is selected, you can choose any font you like.)
  • Now look out all the other fields for the incorrect font in the PDF and if you find any repeat the same process again. After that, select OK.
  • Once, you are done making all the changes, email the invoice in PDF format to yourself, and review it.

Changes don’t save when you save your customized invoice template from an invoice

Usually, when you use an invoice template to create another invoice then the template that you use should show again. Unless you made any changes to the template this setting should be retained.

  • Select Customers > Create Invoice.
  • Then, using a standard template create a test invoice.
  • Click on the Template option
  • From here, choose any one of the Intuit listed templates.
  • Fill the customer and item details in the invoice.
  • Save and Close
  • Again go the Customers and then Create Invoices. Here, check whether the invoice template that you used is available or not in the default section.

If the new template is still not showing when creating another invoice, even after making changes in the template then it means that you have a damaged template.

One solution for that is to restore the backup from the time when the customized template used to work. But, if you don’t have the backup, then you’ll need to recreate the customized template from scratch.

The long text field not appearing on sales forms with multiple pages.

Using a Layout Designer, when you resize a large text field, then there is a slight chance that it may disappear from all the pages except the last page. You can use a Text Box to add relevant information.

  • Open the invoice and then select the Formatting option.
  • Here, select the Customize Data Layout option.
  • Next, select the Layout Designer option and then click on Add and then select the Text Box option.
  • In the Text Box, you can enter the details that you want to show in all of the forms.
  • After that, you need to resize the fields so that it can show all the information you entered. Select OK to apply the changes that you made.
  • Click on the Print Preview button so that you can see how the changes that you made will see on the form.
  • If everything seems perfect, close the Print Preview Window and then select OK.

Error Message “Due to an error, the template was not exported”

If you get an error related to the logo, then you’ll need to remove the logo or image from the customized template that you are trying to import.

  • First, you need to open the company file that contains the logo.
  • Go to the Lists menu and then select the Templates option.
  • Right-click on the Template that you would like to export and then select the Edit Template option.
  • Go to the Logo & Fonts section and unmark the box stating Use Logo option and then select OK.

Fix error C=291 when you import a form template

If you are importing a template from the newer version of QuickBooks Desktop to the older version or your template you are trying to import is damaged, then the user might encounter this issue.

If you want a template that you created in the newer version of QuickBooks Desktop to the older version, you can’t do it. You may need to recreate it.

Error Message “Insufficient data for an image”

When users try to save forms/invoices as PDF, email, and print, and it is because of the damaged image used in the form. You can fix this by converting the format of the image using an image editor.

  • From the top menu bar, go to List>Templates.
  • Then, open the template and select the Layout Designer option.
  • From here, you need to remove the image and then select OK & again, OK.
  • Open the image in an image editor application. (Microsoft Paint is recommended)
  • Change the format of the image to a different one from the current. For instance, change it to.JPEG if it is currently.PNG format.
  • Again open QuickBooks, open the template and add the image with the changed format. Customize and resize the image as required.
  • Try again to send an email, save, or print.

We believe that now all of your problems related to the Customized templates are fixed.

The Bottom Line

These are all the customize templates common issues in QBD and now will be able to fix them on your own. If you are still finding any kind of difficulties in customizing templates in QuickBooks Desktop, then you should ask for assistance from an expert. You can consultant from an Intuit Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor by calling the 24/7 QuickBooks error support toll-free number +1-855-525-4247.

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