How to Set up Job Costing in QuickBooks Online

If you are new and not aware of how to set up job costing in QuickBooks, then reading this article can help you in getting started. It’s a complete article explaining job costing, its benefits, and steps to do job costing in QuickBooks Online. Go through the article to understand the process of job costing, here we have mentioned the required steps to set up job-costing along with a brief introduction to it & the benefits of Job costing. For more info contact our QuickBooks ProAdvisor toll-free: +1-855-525-4247

Job costing helps you to track all the expenses for a job and compare these expenses to your profit. In case you’re buckling down and not profiting, job costing can enable you to recognize approaches to end up more productive. Essentially expressed, job costing appoints costs to a particular employment or client, enabling you to track gainfulness by the activity. Furthermore, it works incredibly with QB and does not require any extra buy or outsider programming.

How to understand Job Costing?

What is Job Costing in QuickBooks? How to set up Job Costing in QuickBooks? If you don’t know then read this article to know how to implement Job Costing in QuickBooks.

for example, business-like construction firms, professional services companies use job costing extensively to monitor their job costs and to ensure that they are being profitable on a specific job. Accurate job costing is one of the difficult tasks in the whole world for managing the task.

Many businesses put it off because it seems too difficult or time-consuming. But, if you are serious about growing your business then QB makes it very easy to find out where you are spending money so you can both know the process and make the entire operation more profitable.

By using the “job costing” functionality, you can follow the cost of each individual job so you can make better estimates and choices in the future. QuickBooks job costing will help you a lot. To understand the whole processor support, you can call us at our QuickBooks customer service +1-855-525-4247.


  • First of all, search for difficult jobs as soon as possible.
  • After that, identify jobs that weren’t as profitable as expected.
  • Next, Create better estimates for the next jobs.

Benefits of Job Costing in QuickBooks

  • You can check project-based profitability.
  • Improve your estimating.
  • You can also check which jobs are most profitable for your company.
  • You can also compare the budgeted cost to real job costs.
  • Full cost control over jobs.
  • Evaluate the performance of teams and/or individuals.

Steps to Set up Job Costing in QuickBooks Online

Step 1: Initial Preferences Configuration of QuickBooks

The most important step is to be certain that QuickBooks is properly configured. To accomplish this configuration

  • First of all. Choose Edit and then click Preferences.
  • After that, select Jobs & Estimates and then select the Company Preferences
  • Under the Company Preferences option, you must take the appropriate modification before initiating job creation.
  • You may also need to verify Time and Expenses on the left side of the menu to ascertain that time tracking is active if you intend on tracking them on the job.

Step 2: QuickBooks Construction Job Costing or Job Types

You should design Job Types before you assign jobs to clients.

  • First of all, Select Lists and then Customers and Vendors Profile Lists and then Job Type List.
  • A small window(Job Type List) will appear with command buttons at the bottom left-hand side.
  • After that, Click on the Job Type tab and then choose New.
  • After that, a new window pop-up will show (New Job Type). From there, fill in the information about the job type. For example: if you are a verified public accountant then you might have “Year-End Tax return” as a job type.
  • You can repeat these steps for multiple job types and then create subtypes under each category by choosing New again and entering the name of the subtype. For example, a home redesigning job might have painting or flooring as a subtype.

Step 3: Setting Up Jobs for Customers in QuickBooks Job Costing System

Customer Jobs will exist as their own distinct entity to which you will assign these tasks to your clients. This is achieved by initial at the Customer Center.

  • Select to assign a job to a client by right-clicking on the client and selecting Add Job.
  • The New Job window appears which ought to include your client’s details. Choose the Job info tab and then type the Job Name in the appropriate field.
  • Sticking with the tax theme you could enter Tax Preparation and Skip Recording Opening Balance
  • After that, you would choose the status of the job under the Job Status drop-down menu choices of None, Pending, Awarded, In Progress, Closed, or Not Awarded.
    • After that, Fill up the important fields like Start Date, Projected End, or End Date, Job Description, and choose the appropriate Job Type which was set up previously. Select Ok, when all the details have been added.

You will now be able to use these details for transactions and reports. You also need to be well informed that to certify the right job has been chosen when generating an estimate or bill for a particular job or filtering a report. This will keep your record-keeping precise.

Step 4: Producing Bills throughout the Job

You may have clients that have running projects that our current projects that are for an extended period of time. This is not a state in which you like to wait until the job finish to invoices your client.

Using QuickBooks you have the ability to set up estimates and dispatch progress bills which you can use as you view fit.

You can create progress invoices during a job can be done by these steps:

  • First of all, you have to create the estimate and then choose Create Invoice while seeing the bills.
  • After that, you will get a window that offers three billing options which include:
    • Create the invoice for the entire estimate.
    • Create the invoice for a percentage of the entire estimate in which you will type the percentage of estimate in the box.
    • And last one: Create invoices for selected items or for different percentages of each item.
  • After that, click one of these options and then click OK and then the invoice will create based on your selection.

Step 5: Advanced Reporting for your jobs

By doing these job definitions upfront you will be recognized for the best reporting potential that is provided in QuickBooks. The reports will let you decipher how the tasks are performing in different areas like Estimate Accuracy, Time and Mileage, Sunk Costs, Job Status, and Productivity.

Step 6: Use estimates and progress invoicing

You need to be sure that your company uses estimates and changes orders correctly and consistently. Also, you can use reports to identify any training issues such as missing change orders, and retrain your team when necessary. One thing you should keep in mind is that you can easily use QB to create invoices from estimates based on a percentage of the total estimate.

I hope this article helps you set up job costing in QuickBooks and for any further information, you can contact QuickBooks Support team++1-855-525-4247.

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