How to Set up and Use Progress Invoicing in QuickBooks Desktop

Are you looking for how to set up and use progress Invoicing in QuickBooks Desktop? Here we will define the steps taken to set up and use progress invoicing in QuickBooks Desktop. It is essential to go through the steps if you are willing to fix these issues immediately. The post contains a detailed process to set up and use progress invoicing with real-time process images to offer a better understanding. For more details Contact us : [quickboks]

Progress invoicing helps you to divide your estimate into many invoices as much you require. You can invoice customers for partial payments rather than asking for complete payments at the starting of a project. You can complete work, add items, from the initial estimate just for progress invoices. It keeps your project payments well arranged and organized as well as connected starting to end. So, let’s proceed and discuss set up and use progress invoicing in QuickBooks Desktop.

Steps to Set up and Use Progress Invoicing in QuickBooks Desktop

Follow all the steps in the given order. These steps are:

Step 1: Turn on progress invoicing

At very first, you need to turn on the progress invoicing, if you have not done it yet, then go with the below steps to do this.

  1. Login to your QuickBooks Desktop with admin credential(username and password)
  2. Next, look for the File menu and click on the Switch to Single-user mode.
  3. Now, click on the Edit menu and choose Preferences.
  4. Go to the list of menus and click on the Jobs & Estimates 
  5. Choose the Company Preferences tab.
  6. Click on Yes in the DO YOU CREATE ESTIMATES? section. Then next DO YOU DO PROGRESS INVOICING? Section. also click on Yes.

In the picture, you will see how it appear on your screen:

  1. Click on OK to save and close your preferences.
  2. If you want then go back to the File menu and click on the Switch to Multi-user mode.

Next, now you can generate invoices from your estimates.

Step 2: Create an Estimate

To create an estimate just go through the simple steps:

  • First, you have to visit the Customers menu and then click on the Create Estimates
  • After that, simply select your customer
  • Now fill out the rest of the estimate or remaining estimates of your customer
  • In the end, you can either go for Save & New or Save & Close, it is up to you to keep all the changes you made.

Tip: In case you are using a job feature and willing to add an estimate, then before you start creating progress invoices, you can add it to the job.

Step 3: Create Progress Invoices from the Estimate

To create progress invoices, you work from your estimate rather than the normal invoice workflow. To do this instantly follow the easy steps written below:

  • To begin, visit the Customers menu and then click on the Customer Center
  • Browse for the customer on the list you want to choose for
  • On the customer’s page, you have to browse and open the estimate
  • From the toolbar, pick the Create Invoice
  • Think for charges you want to charge on the invoice and how much the amount is. You can either charge for a percentage or you can pick a particular amount that needs to be added for selected items
  • Hit the Ok option 
  • Fill out all of the remaining invoices and then send it to your customer.

When you create a progress invoice, your original estimate won’t change. QuickBooks will maintain and store a record of both.

You don’t need to be worried about sending too many invoices

A warning message will appear on your screen when you are trying to create invoices for more than 100% of the estimated total. Hit the OK button if you are ready to continue creating the invoice otherwise pick the Cancel button.

Step 4: Keep Track of your Progress Invoices

To stay organized you must have to review your estimates as well as reports.


The panel you will get on an estimate will provide all the important information like the number of open estimates for a customer. To check out all the progress invoices you create from an estimate, go through with this:

Note: Choose the Transactions tab and then visit the Related transaction Section


To keep track of your progress invoices simply use reports 

  • First of all, visit the Reports menu and then click on the Report Center
  • Now choose the Jobs, Time & Mileage from the list.
  • Move to the Job Estimates section by scrolling down or to move the cursor
  • Choose a report and then click on the Run for viewing it

Note: If you are not aware of how much you invoice for each estimate, we advise you to check out the job progress invoices versus estimates for tracking.

Wrapping Up

We thought now you’ll be able to set up and use progress invoicing in QuickBooks Desktop manually. Through this blog, we offer a manual guide so that you can fix this issue on your own. But if you are unable to do it, then you can hire a ProAdvisor through the 24/7 customer support helpline number +1-855-525-4247 and ask your questions to get the best and immediate solutions.

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