Read this article, if you wish to know how to manage and publish your Find-a-ProAdvisor profile. The article contains all the related details to deliver you the best stuff, so that you may publish and manage to find a ProAdvisor profile. Go through the article to understand the requirements to publish a profile, how to make it live, and to edit a profile, and much more stuff. If you have any related query let us know on our QuickBooks support helpline toll-free: +1-844-405-0904

With the QuickBooks Proadvisor Program, Intuit gives you the opportunity to publish and manage your Find-a-ProAdvisor profile. After becoming a certified ProAdvisor, it is important for you to showcase the knowledge to the rest of the world.
Intuit Find-a-ProAdvisor profile is a platform for you via which the small business owner can connect with you. Setting up and publishing a profile allows you to advertise yourself to small businesses who are looking for a QuickBooks expert in their area.
Once your profile is added to the official site, it is also visible in major search engines like Google & Bing. Please admit these sites for several weeks to give back your newly published profile or any alteration made to your profile. Intuit has no command of when your alteration will reflect on these sites.
What required to publish your profile?
To make your Find-a-ProAdvisor profile live, you must have passed the QuickBooks Online certification exam within the past 366 days or passed one of the three most recent versions of the QuickBooks Desktop certification (Canada and the US only).
Make your Find-a-ProAdvisor profile live
- Sign in to QuickBooks Online Accountant.
- Tap the Profile icon, on the Accounting toolbar.
- Recheck your profile and fill in any absent information you wish to include. Make sure to enter a real address or your profile will not display on the Find-a-ProAdvisor site.
- Tap the Include in search results switch to move it from OFF to ON.
Note that it can take up to an hour profile to arrive on the Find-a-ProAdvisor website after you publish it.
Edit your profile
- Tap the Edit pencil. To the right of each section, you want to change.
- Tap Save, Once you’re happy with the information in that section.
When your profile is decided to Include in search results, something made differently will appear on the Find-a-ProAdvisor website certainly. It may take up to an hour for something made different to come into sight.
Optimize your profile to getter better result
- At the top of the page, a Profile strength meter shows how not lacking your profile is.
- You can fill this meter and strengthen your profile using the advice in the Improve your profile section. A completely fleshed-out profile will become better and your ranking on the Find-a-ProAdvisor site and draw attention to more prospective clients.
- This will increase whenever a potential client, clicks on your website, looks at your phone number, or deliver you an email. Hold an eye to the advantages and analysis tracker. In other words, it helps you get a sense of how much interest potential clients are showing in your profile.