A Manual Guide to Set up and Use Barcode Scanning in QuickBooks Desktop

Here you will learn everything about how to set up and use barcode scanning in QuickBooks Desktop. In this post, we are going to discuss completely setting up your barcode scanner and barcodes. A Barcode Scanning helps you in tracking the inventories and makes it easier. Learn more by reading the article very carefully till the end. Still, have an issue contact us our QuickBooks ProAdvisor consult you:+1-855-525-4247

You will also know, By adopting Advanced Inventory, you can work with barcodes for making the data entries faster and easier in QuickBooks Desktop. Once you have assigned the barcodes to all your items, you just have to scan the barcodes at the time of buying or selling those product items. Scanning barcodes also lead to adjusting the quantities of items at the same time. 

Let’s start the procedure to set up and use bar code scanning in QuickBooks Desktop without taking very much time of yours. Just look at the below to do so:

Procedure to Set up and Use Barcode Scanning in QuickBooks Desktop

Here will discuss the procedure that helps you to set up and use barcode scanning in QuickBooks Desktop. We divide the procedure into fragments so that you can separately deal with their queries and learn what you need to check out in their scanner and how to set up and test a barcode scanner comfortably. Get all the details from here.

How to Check if your Scanner is Compatible

Here you will know that first, you have to ensure that your scanner will work properly with QuickBooks. Just to know about it, check out the points listed below:

Points to Remember:

  • Serial port scanners are NOT supported and compatible with the ES Barcode feature.
  • A different type of scanner is required by the Warehouse Manager Application and sales order fulfillment worksheet.
  • Your scanner must support EAN-13 (International Article Number, formerly European Article Number) and Code-128 barcodes
  • At the end of the barcode, your scanner must produce a single carriage return 

Note: If both the points you have in your scanner then your scanner is compatible with QuickBooks Desktop. But if any of the points are lacking then change your scanner.

How to Set up your USB Barcode Scanner(Steps)

Once you carry your scanner plugged in, you can now set up the scanner. You will do this with the simple steps listed below:

  • To begin, open the “QuickBooks Desktop” and then reach the “Edit” menu.
  • Once you visited then choose “Preferences”
  • Now choose “Items and Inventory”, then choose the “Company Preferences” tab by clicking on it.
  • Choose “Advanced Inventory Settings”, then choose the “Barcodes” tab by clicking on it.
  • After that, “Enable Barcode” and then pick the “Open Barcode Wizard” option by clicking on it.
  • Choose the item field which you are willing to use for barcode tracking inside the “Barcode Scanning Setup wizard”. If you don’t make sure what to use then select a field that will be unique for each particular item. It includes Item Name or Part Number. And then, click on the “Next” option.
  • Make a selection for the types of items to which you are willing to generate barcodes. 
  • Now simply click on the “Next” option and then hit “Finish” to end it.

How to Test your Scanner?

For testing your scanner you need to go through the steps discussed below. Here you know, the Barcode Scanner Testers is an application that helps you in checking out if your QuickBooks Desktop is able to recognize your USB scanner.

  • In the first step, you have to download the “Barcode Scanner Tester” if it is not already downloaded. If you have it on your PC then simply run it. Make sure to stay in the application and finish it before moving to other Windows or Tabs. 
  • Then you have to manually type the sentence that will appear in the tester into the “first empty text field”.
  • Now choose the “second text field”. After that use your scanner to scan any barcode. 

Note: Remember that, From QuickBooks Desktop, it does not have to be a barcode.

  • Choose the “Test” option if the application is able to recognize your scanner, then click on the “Next” option.
  • You will see a new text box on your screen. Then choose it and scan any barcode you are willing to scan.
  • Choose the “Test” option. you’ll get a success message on your screen if your scanner is compatible with QuickBooks.

How to Start using your Scanner(Steps)

Do you want to know how to Start Using Your Scanner? Here you know the list of steps that will help you in using your scanner in the right format. Once you have tested your scanner then it will be available to use. Follow some key points:

  • In QuickBooks Desktop you have to open a transaction
  • Simply scan an item with the barcode scanner connected to the Desktop/ PC. You will see the item on the transaction as a new line item.

To fill out any of the transactions you have to scan barcodes, these transactions are listed below:

These are the transactions support Barcode Scanner in QuickBooks Desktop:

  • Estimates
  • Sales Orders
  • Invoices
  • Sales Receipts
  • Refunds & Credits
  • Purchase Orders
  • Item Receipts
  • Bills
  • Write Checks
  • Inventory transfers

How to Import Barcodes(Step-by-Step)

Some cases will define that maybe you have already used a list of barcodes. Here you will show the step-by-step procedure to import them into QuickBooks Desktop.

Tip: To do this, you must have admin access. We are highly advised and it’s always a grateful idea to take a backup of your company file before you import it into QuickBooks.

If you are unable to back up your company file, it is due to some error issues then check out QuickBooks unable to back up the company file to fix it with simple and easy steps.

Step 1: Create a Custom Field

If you are willing to track additional items then make sure to create a Custom Field. To do it manually follow the steps described below:

  • Importing into QuickBooks must need you to work in a single-user mode. Modes can be switched by selecting “File”, Through this, you now be able to “Switch to Single-User Mode” by selecting it.
  • Visit “Lists” and then choose “Item List” click twice on any item, then choose “Custom Fields”
  • Now choose “Define Fields”. Choose a new line and enter a label name. To process these steps, we’ll use “Barcode 2”, it will be taken as an example just to clear your doubts and offer a great understanding.
  • In the label field, choose the “Use” option and then click on the “OK” option.

Note: In this, up to 12 Custom Fields you can have if the 12 Custom Fields are already used by you, then you will have to replace one of the existing fields with Barcode2.

Step 2: Export your Item List to Excel

  • First of all, you have to choose “Lists” and then “Item List”, at the bottom of the item list, 
  • Now click on the “Select” option and then you have to choose the “Export all items” option
  • After that, choose the “Create new worksheet” option, and in “New Workbook”
  • In the End, Choose “Export”, A Full item Excel report will be opened to you in “Excel”

Step 3: Edit the Excel sheet

All the steps discussed here will help you in editing the excel sheets. So if want to do this, then go through the steps and start doing it:

  • Manually enter the Barcode willing to use for each particular item in the “Barcode2” field in Step 3, it is above the column.
  • Just save your file and close it

Step 4: Import the List with Barcodes from Excel

  • To begin this, simply open “QuickBooks” go to their “File” menu, and then choose the “Utilities” option by clicking on it.
  • Now choose “Import Excel Files” and then click on the “No” option at the prompt for Add/Edit multiple list entries.
  • After that, choose the “Browse” option
  • Navigate to the Excel File saved by you and choose “Sheet 1” where all your data will have appeared
  •  Choose “Add New”, you will get this option inside the “Choose a mapping” drop-down menu. A Mapping Window will appear to you
  • Choose the “Item”, you will visit there inside the “Import Type” drop-down menu.
  • In the QuickBooks Column, simply find the Type Line. On the Same Line in the Import Data Column, you have to choose the “Type” option and check if they matched or not.
  • Down to one line to the “Name field”. Now go to the Import Data column, and choose “Item” by clicking on it.
  • By scrolling down, you will find the “Barcode2” line. All the data have to be set and will be imported to “Barcode2” as well. 

Note: If you are willing to do so, then you can leave the other fields empty.

  • In the end, click on the option to Replace existing data with import data, ignoring blank fields.

Note: The existing items are easily updated with the new values in the Barcode2 Field.

Step 5: Set QuickBooks to Track your Imported Barcodes

  • First, you have to visit the “Edit” and click on the “Preferences” option by clicking on it
  • Now choose the “Items & Inventory” option
  • On the “Company Preferences” tab, and now click on the “Advanced Inventory Settings” button.
  • On the “Barcodes” tab, then open the “Barcode Wizard”.
  • Now you have to select the “Copy barcodes” from the Custom field ‘Barcode2’ inside the drop-down arrow.
  • Just Continue through the wizard to click on the “Finish” option
  • Now choose the “OK” option once again

Note: A Window will appear to you that help you in describing how many barcodes were created. No return back to the Item List and click twice on one of your items to see that the Barcode Number has been filled in along with the barcode you have imported.


How would I connect the database to the barcode scanner?

  • To begin scanning, first, click on the QR code icon.
  • Wait until scanning is still in progress so that the material can appear in the “QR Code” field.
  • To present the record, click the “Send” button.
  • As a result, the request will be removed from the database and a new record with a QR code value added to the “Search Requests” table.

How Can QuickBooks Enable Barcode Scanning?

  • Choose the Business Settings by clicking the “Gear” icon.
  • On the left route board, pick the Barcode under the Sales tab.
  • Checking the appropriate box in the Goods and services section.
  • To complete the procedure, click Save.

Could you read a barcode on a computer screen?

  • Typically displayed on LCD and OLED panels are QR codes.
  • This can only be done by a specific kind of scanner known as a 2D imaging barcode scanner.

We hope, now you will be able to set up and Use Barcode Scanning in QuickBooks Desktop through this article. But if you still have some issues related to this topic and you are unable to do it manually then contact our Intuit Certified ProAdvisors and get complete assistance from us. Get connected to our team by dropping a call on our 24/7 helpdesk technical support number +1-855-525-4247 anytime and from any location convenient to you.

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