Have you done a mistake by creating a duplicate account, customer, or vendor in QuickBooks Online, and want to rectify it? There is one and only solution to rectify the mistake and that is to merge duplicate accounts to the original ones. In this article, you can get the procedure to merge accounts, vendors, and customers in QuickBooks Online. You can contact the certified experts of QuickBooks through this toll-free number +1-844-405-0904 for further QuickBooks Online support.
Table of Contents
Why to Merge Accounts, Customers, and Vendors in QuickBooks Online
The merging procedure of duplicate accounts, vendors, and customers, moves all the data into the original, or the new one. This removes all of the duplicate data from QuickBooks Online, made by you, and speeds up your bookkeeping by keeping your lists clean to perform bookkeeping easier.

How to Merge Duplicate Accounts
You have the option to merge the duplicate accounts of customers or vendors. This helps to move all the data into one account, but be careful while merging. Merging accounts is a permanent process that you can’t undo later.
- Save the reconciliation reports first, of the accounts you want to merge. The transaction will remain on the merged account and will stay reconciled.
- Go to Settings ⚙ and select the Chart of Accounts option.
- Search for the account you want to keep. From the Action column select the dropdown ▼ and then Edit.
- Note the name and detail type of the account.
- Mark the Is sub-account option and note the parent account it is tied to.
Now you have all the account information, you want to keep and handle the duplicate.
- Go to the Chart of Accounts.
- Find the duplicate account you don’t want to keep. Select the dropdown ▼ in the Action column and then Edit.
- Change the Name and Detail Type to match the account info of the duplicate account and the account you want to keep. Keep the following points in mind if you need to mark In sub-account.
- There shouldn’t be any sub-accounts if you merge two parent accounts.
- The two sub-accounts you want to merge should have the same parent account.
- Uncheck the Is sub-account to make it a parent account if there is only one sub-account.
- At last, select Save and then Yes to confirm.
This will merge the two accounts into one. QuickBooks will move all the past transactions from the duplicate to the account you want to keep.
How to Merge Duplicate Customers in QuickBooks
You can merge the profiles of the duplicate customers by deleting one profile manually. This will move their existing data into the profile you want to keep. Make the sub-customers into regular customers before merging profiles.
- Go to the Sales menu.
- Then select the Customers tab.
- After that, choose the customer profile, or the duplicate one, that you don’t want to keep.
- Go to the ‘Edit‘ section, and select the ‘Display Name’ Field.
- Enter the name of the customer profile you want to keep. The names need to match exactly.
- Save all of the changes, and click on the ‘Yes‘ option, when asked about merging the two profiles.
How to Merge Duplicate Vendors in QuickBooks Online
Merging duplicate vendor profiles is a permanent action that you can’t undo later.
- Go to the Expenses menu, and select the ‘Vendors‘ tab option.
- There you can search for the vendor name that, you want to keep.
- Select the name, and click on the ‘Edit’ option.
- Enter the Company and Display name, and again go back to the Vendors tab.
- Find and open the vendor you don’t want to keep. Then select Edit.
- Edit the Company and Display name so they match the vendor profile you’re keeping exactly.
- Select Save, then Yes to confirm.
This will merge the two vendor profiles into one and move the past transaction from the duplicate to the vendor you want to keep.
How to Merge Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks
- Firstly you should go to the chart of accounts.
- Now you have to go to the right side of the account and then click on the Edit option.
- After that copy the name of the account that you want to keep.
- Now you have to go back to the chart of accounts and then right-click on the account that you want to merge with the account.
- Then next you need to paste the account name over the old account that you want to vanish.
- Then you have to click on Save and Close.
- Now a message displays on your system “This name is already being used”. Would you like to merge them?
- Then next, you have to click on the Yes option for merging the account.
But before merging the Duplicate account in QuickBooks you need to consider some points.
Some of the accounts can’t be merged with any other account because some of them are used by the system or may require online banking features that cannot be removed. These files are listed below:
- Default service tax account
- TDS payable
- Retained earnings
- TDS Receivables
- Uncategorized expense
- Uncategorized Income
- Default service income account
- Opening balance equity
How do I merge transactions in QuickBooks?
Here in QuickBooks, you have the option to combine the transactions that are the same or you entered the transaction twice mistakenly. So here we discussed how to merge transactions in QuickBooks.
- Firstly you need to go to the settings icon.
- Next, you have to select Tools.
- After that, under the combined data, you have to select Customers, vendors, or items.
- After selecting the data type, click on the next.
- Then you need to select the account you need to merge and click on Next.
- Now you have to click on Merge after mapping the field on two accounts.
Print a Customer or Vendor register in QuickBooks Online
Here are some solutions to customize or print a customer or vendor register from the Customer or Vendor list:
Balance Detail Report
To review all customer and vendor transactions, you must run a transaction Detail by customer or vendor report. The customer and vendor reports with 0 balance will give you a report with n data in the Running Balance Detail Report.
- Navigate to the Reports from your QuickBooks Company file.
- Type Balance detail in the search bar and then click on either Customer Balance Detail or Vendor Balance Detail.
- Click on Save as PDF option after choosing Export/Print.
- Modify the print settings for your report and then select Print.
Transaction Detail Report
- Navigate to the Reports from your QuickBooks Company file.
- Type Transaction detail in the search bar and then click on Transaction Detail by Account.
- You can select your preferred date from the Report period dropdown.
- Choose Pivot and then Click on Rows/Columns and select either Customer or Vendor.
- Apply the Filter.
- Choose a Customer or Vendor name from the dropdown.
- Then choose the one whose report you want to generate.
- Click Export/Print, then select Print/Save as PDF.
- Adjust your report print settings as required, and then click Print.
Why it is necessary to merge accounts in QuickBooks.
- If the same customers or vendors have multiple accounts.
- If there is a duplicate account that you want to clear up
- If you want to integrate two different files of data.
What happens when you merge an account in QuickBooks?
When you merge accounts in Quickbooks then you can transfer the data in which you want to retain the account from the duplicate account that needs to be deleted. So that extra account will be deleted from your QuickBooks online file. But remember that if you merge the account once then you cannot be able to undo it again. So always merge carefully and review it before the final submission.
The above information regarding the merging of duplicate accounts, customers, and vendors in QuickBooks Online is a good bookkeeping practice. This keeps bookkeeping simpler and easier. Follow the above procedure to merge duplicate accounts and for resolving further queries, you can call on +1-844-405-0904.