What is the Balance Sheet Report – Definition & Examples

Do you know what is a Balance Sheet Report? In this blog, you are going to know about the Balance Sheet Report. A Balance Sheet Report will be very helpful in providing a financial statement of your company according to the specified date. So wanna learn in detail go through the article here you will find the definition of the balance sheet report and examples as well for better understanding. If having any issues related to this topic, let us know our QuickBooks Proadvisor consult you Toll-free: +1-855-525-4247

It properly calculates the amount worth your business(your business’s equity) by subtracting the whole of your money and your company’s own (liabilities) from everything that you own(assets).

For calculating this, Equity = Assets – Liability

The total for the equity including your company’s net income for the fiscal year to date.

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How to Run a Balance Sheet Report

To run a Balance Sheet Report you have to follow some simple steps. Follow the steps in the given order. These are listed below:

  • Firstly, Go to “Reports”
  • After that choose “Balance Sheet”

Tip: To check out the higher-level summary, you have to go through the “Balance Sheet Summary” report rather than the others.

Difference Between a Balance Sheet Report and Other Reports?

Let’s see the difference between a Balance Sheet Report and other Reports. Here you know that the balance sheet reports are not matched with other reports. Even after you have to ensure that all the filters you have are similar. A few reasons are described here why this occurs, these are:

  • Your Balance Sheet Report comes under the Cumulative Report of your company’s starting balance. 
  • When we are talking about other reports, the date range will only be applied to “Net Income” and a particular amount will also be selected within the report. 

Note: We have an example for you: Suppose you will have $50 of Sales Tax in March and $60 in April, the balance sheet will only represent $110 for the “Sales tax liability” account. 

  • For the Report, If the date range is April, it will only represent the cumulative total of $110. Although, if you have selected $110, Its transaction report will appear as the starting balance indicating a balance of $50 and then a $60 transaction for the Month(April).
  • Additionally, The “sales by the report” is restricted to the date range you have already set, or you can change it as per your need. If the report date you have set is April then you are only eligible to check out the reports only for April and $60 dollars will only be represented.

How to Compare your Balance Sheet Report and A/R Ageing Summary|A/R ageing Detail Reports

At the time of comparative study of your “Balance Sheet report” either (Last Year or Accrual) and your A/R ageing summary or A/R ageing detail reports, the few key points you should be key focussed and also need to know. These are:

  • At the time of comparing the Balance Sheet Report and A/R ageing Summary or A/R ageing Detail Reports, you must specify the correct “Ageing Method” on the A/R ageing report.
  • If you want to run the Balance Sheet report for any date looking in the past, you are required to choose “Report Date” for the “ageing Method” on your “A/R ageing Reports”. 

We thought all the topics that define the basics of the Balance Sheet Report will be successfully covered. Now you can create the Balance Sheet Report without any problem.


What is included in the Balance Sheet?

If you want the financial health of the company then you can check the balance sheet of that company where all the information about the company’s assets and liabilities are mentioned. In short-term assets, it includes short-term assets like cash accounts receivable and in Long term assets, it includes property, plants and equipment. And if you talk about liabilities then short-term obligation includes accounts payable and wages payable and long-term liabilities include bank loans and other debt obligations.

What is the purpose of a Balance sheet report?

Basically, the purpose of the balance sheet report is to disclose the financial status of the business or firm at a specific time. The balance sheet statement reveals the assets and liabilities of an entity as well as the amount invested in the business (equity).

What are the three types of Balance sheets?

There are three types of balance sheets:

  • Comparative balance sheets
  • Verticle balance sheets
  • Horizontal balance sheets

What is the importance of a Balance Sheet?

  • It helps to evaluate the Firm’s net worth which is useful in expanding the firm after knowing its financial status.
  • It also assists banks to know the financial position of any firm to determine whether the firm is capable to pay the loan or not before giving the loan to the firm.
  • The balance sheet also helps to determine the risk and returns of any firm by analyzing the liabilities of your business so you can avoid the chances of bankruptcy.
  • For investors, the Balance sheet is important for making decisions about investing in that particular firm. Investors assess the overall financial conditions of the firm with the help of the balance sheet with other factors to know the future potential before investing.
  • In the Balance sheet, you are being able to get a clear idea of the liquidity positions of the firm. You can also inspect the trade receivable status and working capital funds of the firms which helps to determine the cash flow of firms to know how much firms can afford transactions on daily basis.

What are the components of a balance sheet?


This part of the monetary record shows the cash that an organization owes to other people, similar to credit costs, repeating costs, different types of obligations, and so on. It is divided into (1) Current Liabilities and (2) Non-current Liabilities.

Current Liabilities: These include current maturities of long-term, debts and accounts payable.

Non-current Liabilities: It includes deferred tax liabilities, bond payable, long-term debts and notes payable.


In the Assets sections, you’ll get all the items that are easily converted into cash. It is divided into two types. (1) Current Asset (2) Long-term asset.

Current Asset: If the assets can be easily convertible into cash within a year then it is called current assets. It includes Prepaid expenses, Inventory, Accounts receivable, Marketable securities and Cash and cash equivalents.

Long-term Assets: Those assets which take more than a year to convert into cash. It includes Fixed assets, Intangible assets and Long-term securities.

Shareholders’ equity

It is the amount that the stakeholders or you can say investors have invested in the company which is of two types: (1) Retained earnings (2) Share Capital

Final Verdict

We hope this blog may clear all your doubts and confusion regarding the Balance Sheet Report. If you are still not satisfied and looking for other help to learn more about the topic then you can drop a call anytime and from any location all over the USA states or regions and join our technical Support to instantly get resolved your queries. If you are unable to find the question, you will have the option to post your queries by getting in touch with us. 

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